Committee Descriptions

The following is a brief description of the PTO Committee positions.  There are also opportunities during school in the class room, please see your teacher for information.

Art Goes to School:  A district-wide program, administered by volunteers, which exposes students to famous works of art.

Box Tops for Education:  Yearlong fundraiser; PTO collects Box Tops for Education and submits them for cash rebate.

Dimensions in Living:  Program plans educational, cultural and entertaining assemblies for students.

Fall Ball:  Held in October; Family fun night of games, prizes food and music.

Fifth Grade Luncheon:  Send-Off luncheon for fifth grade students.

Fifth Grade Joe Corbi Pizza Sale:  Pizza fundraiser for fifth grade class.

Fifth Grade Pretzel Sale:  Yearlong pretzel sale fundraiser for fifth grade class.

Fifth Grade Yearbook:  Book containing photographs and other memorabilia for fifth grade class.

Gift Wrap Sale:  Gift-wrap orders are taken in September and delivery is in November.

Hospitality Committee:  Responsible for refreshments for PTO functions, including New Parent’s Tea, 1st Grade Orientation, Back to School Night, Halloween Parade, Gobble Bowl and other school programs, as needed.

Inkjet Cartridge Recycling:  Yearlong fundraiser where Chairperson collects used inkjet cartridges donated by NPE families and submits them for cash rebate.  The collection box for the cartridges is located in the lobby.

May Fair:  Held in May; Special day full of games, prizes, moon bounces, food, music, etc.  A sheet will come home prior to the May Fair listing all of the game booths, food and available food for you to pre-order tickets for your child to use for the day.  Parent volunteers from each classroom run the various booths, and parents are encouraged to come and have fun with their child at the fair.

Moving to Make a Difference Walk-a-Thon:  A walk-a-thon conducted during the school day.  Families collect donations and children will walk.  Various contests and fun activities will be held during the school wide event.

Mum Sale:  Mum plant sale coordinated in the Fall.  Mums are pre-ordered and delivered to the school.   

Pizza Bingo:  Held in January; NPE families play to win prizes and enjoy pizza and drinks.

School Directory:  Coordinator collects student information from school office; types the information, and collates school directory.

School Directory Ads Solicitation:  Coordinator solicits advertisements for the School Directory.

School Directory Sale:  Coordinator sells the School Directory to school families.

Scrips Program:  Gift cards for various local businesses will be sold.  The PTO receives a percentage of all sales.

Spring Fundraiser: Plant sale coordinated in the spring, orders are placed for various plants, delivered to the school for pick up.

Sunshine Committee:  Spreads rays of sunshine throughout NPE.  Chairperson coordinates volunteers to cook and deliver dinners, purchase chards, gifts, flowers, etc. for NPE families, faculty, staff members and students during difficult times, illness and time of celebrations.

Supermarket Receipts:  Yearlong fundraiser; Register your Genuardi’s card and the school receives cash rebates on your purchases.

Target Receipts:  Yearlong fundraiser; promote and manage Target’s “Take Charge for Education” Program.  Target credit card holders can designate NPE to receive cash donations from their credit car purchases.  Reading and Art grants are also available to the school through Target.  Visit for more information.

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon:  Held in May; PTO families prepare luncheon for teachers and school staff.

Welcome Aboard Orientation:  Committee organizes the first grade information packets which are distributed to parents on the first day of school.  Committee hosts a spring welcome meeting for incoming first grade parents.

Wish List:  Teachers submit Wish List items two times per year to PTO for consideration of purchase.